Darian Page 5
“I know what you mean.”
Trav opened the window and leaned over the windowsill to look in the yard. He didn’t care that he was naked and that anyone could see him. Everyone respected him because he was who he was, and he didn’t have to seek their approval or behave in a way others thought it was appropriate.
He didn’t have to tell Valj anything. He already knew. Trav hadn’t had an easy childhood and adolescence. The son of one of the greatest Tyronian warriors of all time, his father hadn’t given him a chance to breathe. Training after training, little to no sleep, and that wasn’t all. He’d locked Trav in a cold, dark cell many times to prepare him physically and mentally in case he was ever captured by the enemy. It didn’t matter who the enemy was. Trav had to be ready for anything. In truth, he hadn’t resented his father once. He understood why he’d done what he’d done, and now he was even grateful because he knew he was a strong Alpha thanks to him. Much more resilient and determined than Kron and Valj, who’d been by his side since they’d fought together in their first ever war. Kron was cunning, Valj was great with strategy, and Trav was just strong. The strongest man in battle, more often than not.
But his father’s rough training and radical discipline had had some negative effects on him. The term “emotions” was foreign to him. He could barely make sense of his own emotions, and when it came to others’, he was at a complete loss. He understood anger, frustration, and desire. But the need for peace and stability? He couldn’t even imagine how those two together would feel. Vulnerability? He’d always seen it as weakness. Until now, at least. Until Darian.
Darian was vulnerable, but never weak. He’d resisted him, Valj and Kron, but hadn’t fought them either. Not physically. He’d resisted them mentally, made them work to deserve him, challenged them, and especially Trav. No one had slapped Trav across the face and lived to tell the tale. Darian had, and the funny thing was... Trav wasn’t even that mad about it. He wasn’t mad at Kron and Valj for having taken matters into their own hands. Truth be told, he’d wanted to move Darian out of the cell, too, but he just couldn’t do it. He had always been the one who was expected to act rough and punish those around him even when they probably didn’t deserve to be punished, so Trav stuck to his role. If it hadn’t been for Valj’s empathetic nature, the Omega would have spent another week in the dungeon, most likely. But not because Trav wanted to make him suffer, but because that was what he did. That was who he was. And he would have regretted making Darian feel horrible and unwanted, he would have suffered with him in silence, but would have never changed his mind or behavior.
That was why he needed Kron and Valj by his side. For balance.
“I think he can make you change,” Valj whispered. “If you allow him.”
“I won’t.” He started looking for his clothes. “This galaxy needs me, so I’d rather leave the sentimental part of this relationship to you and Kron.”
Valj didn’t say anything, and Trav was grateful. He threw his pants on and headed out of the room. He needed a quick shower, then at least an hour at the training facility, with his boys. He needed to get his mind off Darian for a while, or he’d be in danger of what Valj had just pointed out as a probability: change.
* * *
He watched him sleep as he caressed his cheek and played with his golden hair. There were no golden-haired people on Alpha Tyron, so Valj was genuinely fascinated with the color. It was noble, reminding everyone of the ancient people of Terra. Darian’s hair had been the reason why they’d chosen him and not any of the other Omegas on Karma Minor. The planet had many handsome, exquisitely educated and fertile young men, but Darian was special. He was the only one with shiny yellow hair and eyes like the sky, and the moment Trav and Kron had seen a picture of him, they couldn’t be convinced to even consider another Omega. Not that Valj had tried to dissuade them. Still, their plan could have gone wrong, and they could have lost Darian. Having a few more options wouldn’t have hurt. They could have reached Karma Minor and found out the Omega had already been promised to an Alpha on his planet. In this case, they would have never intervened because Alphas always respected each other. Alas, what was done was done, they were here now, and all was good. Better than Valj could have hoped for.
Darian opened his eyes and looked into his. Valj smiled down at him.
“Now I know what all your enhancements are,” the Omega said out of the blue. “I understand why Trav and Kron chose theirs, but what about you? How is empathy... telepathy, even, useful in battle?”
Valj sighed. He never liked to go there, in his past, but he’d do it for Darian. He couldn’t resist him when he asked like that, in his sweet, gentle voice, with those big blue eyes trained on him.
“Unlike the others, I didn’t get my gene enhancement until later in life. I couldn’t make up my mind, and no one made me do it, so I decided to wait. I figured that after my first battle, I’d know exactly what I needed.” He paused for a moment. This was hard. “I had a brother, you know... A twin brother.”
“Oh? Where is he now?”
“Gone.” Valj shook his head. “It turned out he was a traitor. I should have seen it coming, but I didn’t. There was nothing I could do about it. He’d been working as a spy for a while, and when I found out... Well, I had to report him. On Alpha Tyron, treason is punishable by death. That’s how we stay strong.”
Darian reached out and cupped Valj’s cheek.
“It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known.”
“But I should have. He was my twin brother. We shared a connection... Anyway, that was the moment when I knew what gene enhancement I wanted to get. I didn’t have to be strong, I didn’t need to be able to shift into something else. I could help my people keep the Hoda System safe by feeling what the enemies feel and reading their thoughts. It has served me well. I’m the strategist, while Trav is the muscle and Kron... Well, Kron can be pretty much whatever he wants.”
Darian smiled and pressed his lips to Valj’s. They stayed like that for a while, in each other’s arms, and Valj allowed himself to melt in the Omega’s emotions and thoughts. They were all about them, the three Alphas who had claimed him as their own and given him a new home and a new life.
How did they even get back down in the dungeon, in his cell? Not that Darian cared much. They had pushed the gold cage into a corner, dragged all the furs and pillows out of it and stacked them on the floor, and now Trav, Valj, and Kron were all over him. Something about fucking him where they had dreamed of fucking him for the first time. Apparently, it was a kink of theirs to take their Omega in the cell where they’d held him and disciplined him.
Darian hadn’t needed much discipline, though. Not with his heat happening so quickly.
Trav’s tentacles found their way inside him, two at once, the natural lubricant they produced getting him wet and ready for what was to come. Valj was kissing him passionately, but Darian could barely keep up. He couldn’t think or focus on anything else but the two appendages probing him, stretching him, fucking him slowly and teasingly. He wanted more, but he couldn’t complain about what Trav was doing to him, either. It felt amazing! Another tentacle wrapped around his neck, and Darian had to push Valj away for a moment. The second Valj moved to play with his nipples, Trav’s fourth tentacle found its way in Darian’s mouth. He sucked on it eagerly, relishing in the way the sweet lubricant started dripping down his chin. He felt dirty, and he loved it. His cock was hard – Kron had made sure of it with his expert hands, – and his wet, hot passage was clenching and unclenching around the two tentacles, begging for more, begging for a big, thick member to milk.
Trav leaned over him, pushing both Kron and Valj to the side. The two Alphas didn’t protest. It was as if there was a silent understanding between them that Trav would always be the first to take their Omega.
“You like that, puppy?”
arian looked up at him but didn’t say anything. With his mouth so full, he couldn’t talk even if he wanted to.
Trav gave him a wide grin. “I know you do.”
He removed his tentacles, and Darian braced himself for what was to come. Legs spread wide, he was looking forward to the slight burn he’d feel when Trav’s cock would penetrate him, but it didn’t happen. Trav slipped in easily and effortlessly, and all the Omega felt was pure pleasure. He closed his eyes, mouth agape, and soon Trav’s lips took the place of the tentacle that had been twisting around Darian’s tongue as he fucked him hard and fast. Darian wrapped his arms around Trav’s neck, pulling him closer. When he did the same with his legs around the Alpha’s waist, he felt all four tentacles slither underneath him, wrapping around his waist and torso, and lifting him up. Now, Trav was on his knees, and Darian was all wrapped up around him, held in the air by the four, strong appendages. It felt incredible. As Trav thrust harder and harder, the Omega’s cock rubbed against his hard abs. Soon, he was shooting his seed all over Trav, which made the Alpha bite down hard on his tongue as he came deep inside him.
They stayed like that for a while, and they would have stayed longer if Kron hadn’t decided it was his turn. He gathered Darian in his arms as they both lay on their sides, and he took him from behind, slowly and firmly. Soon, they were moving in a languid rhythm, and Valj joined them by lying before Darian and kissing him with urgency and desire. He could barely wait for his turn, and until then, he was determined to enjoy the Omega’s lips and the soft mewls he made when Kron hit that sensitive bundle of nerves inside him. Valj took hold of Darian’s cock, and with a few expert strokes, the Omega was hard again.
With a grunt, Kron slipped over the edge and released his seed deep within Darian, in the form of an egg that would melt later. He slipped out and Darian immediately wrapped his legs around Valj, urging him forward. The Alpha thrust inside him, and it was the strangest sensation... His cock hit the egg every time, making it slide up and down Darian’s tight passage. He closed his eyes, a large smile plastered on his face. Every time Valj took him, he was kind and gentle. Darian could trust him, relax, and enjoy every minute of it. Valj still had a hold of his cock, and was pumping him faster and harder, working on ripping another orgasm from him. When he came, a string of unintelligible words left Darian’s lips, and Valj drank them in with a long kiss.
The Alpha pinned him to the floor, grabbed his ankles and placed them on his shoulders. Darian opened his eyes and stared up at him. It was a sight to behold. Valj’s strong chest and tight abs were now covered in a sheet of sweat, and his brown hair had fallen in his eyes, sticking to his forehead and cheeks. When he came with a grunt, Darian held his gaze as his passage throbbed and milked every drop of his seed. After another minute of stunned silence, Valj fell on top of him, laughing lightly. Darian was too exhausted to ask what was so funny, but Valj answered his silent question anyway.
“There’s nothing funny,” he said. “You. It’s just you.” He grabbed Darian’s chin and made him look into his eyes. “You make me happy.”
Trav and Kron snuggled by the Omega’s sides. Trav kissed his forehead in an equally protective and possessive gesture, and Kron whispered in his ear:
“You make all of us all happy.”
A month had passed, Darian had gone through two heats, which was usually unheard of, and now he had full privileges around the house. Trav had bestowed them upon him himself. He could go anywhere he wanted in the house and outside, but if he felt like visiting the city or going shopping, then one of the Alphas had to accompany him. Usually, that was Trav. Not that anyone would have dared to mess with their Omega, but it never hurt to be extra safe. After all, Darian did have blond hair and impossibly blue eyes. His features were enough to attract the attention of all the other Alphas and Betas on Alpha Tyron. Those who were already mated didn’t care much, but most of them didn’t yet have an Omega of their own. Trav was very jealous, and a lustful glance sent Darian’s way could make him seethe with anger.
He knocked on the Omega’s door. Most nights, they all slept together, but this time Darian had claimed he didn’t feel well and thought it was best to sleep alone. Trav had promised to take him to the training facility where he and his boys killed themselves exercising at least once a day, hoping it would cheer him up. When Darian didn’t answer at the second knock either, Trav knew there was something wrong. Usually, in the morning, his Omega ran to him like the good puppy that he was. He opened the door and slipped inside. Apparently, Darian was still in the bathroom. When he emerged a minute later, he looked pale and tired.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he cried. “I don’t think I can come with you today. I really wanted to.”
Trav sighed and stepped closer, his initial intention being to wrap him in his arms. He stopped dead in his tracks when his nose picked something up. A scent that hadn’t been there before.
“What’s wrong?” Darian needed a hug. He’d been overly emotional lately. “Did I do something wrong?”
“N-no.” Trav sniffed the air some more, then grabbed the Omega by the arm and pulled him closer. He sniffed the top of his head, then his neck. “You smell... different.”
“Do I?” Darian shrugged.
“Let me get Kron.”
That smell... Trav couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was and what it meant, but he bet Kron could. As a shifter, Kron’s sense of smell was even more sensitive than his own. He returned to Darian’s room with both Kron and Valj in tow.
“So, what is it?” Trav asked the shifter.
The second he stepped into the room and saw Darian, Kron’s eyes turned yellow and his fingers started growing into long, sharp claws. Trav did the first thing he could think of. He stepped between the Omega and the shifting Alpha. Even though he knew Kron would never hurt Darian, when he turned into one of the beasts whose form he possessed, he could change. The yellow eyes and the claws were signs that he was about to shift into one of the deadliest predators in the galaxy.
Kron dragged in a breath and did his best to calm himself down. He closed his eyes, turned around, and went to stand in front of the open window. Fresh air helped in these situations. When he felt like he’d calmed down enough to speak, he started in a low voice:
“Our Omega is pregnant. His scent changed, he’s been feeling sick since yesterday... It’s obvious to me. He’s carrying our first baby.”
Darian almost fainted. Good thing Trav was right by his side and caught him in his strong arms. He walked him to the bed and helped him underneath the furs. Valj ran to Darian’s side, too, but Kron didn’t move. Apparently, he needed time to get used to the new, intense pheromones Darian was giving off.
“This is the best thing that could have happened,” Trav said, tucking a strand of blond hair behind Darian’s tiny ear. “And so soon... I could have never hoped...”
“Wow.” A smile was slowly growing on the Omega’s lips as the realization started to sink in. “A baby!” He touched his flat belly. In a few months, it would be anything but flat. “I can’t believe it!”
“We’ll visit the training facility when you feel better,” Trav reassured him. “Your health and comfort come first. Tell me, do you have cravings? What do you want to eat?”
“I just ate and... threw all of it up. I don’t think I can hold down anything right now, but thanks.”
“Just let us know.”
Darian nodded and snuggled against Trav’s side. He was still feeling emotional and like he could burst into tears at any moment, but at least now he knew why.
At some point, Kron left the room, excusing himself. He felt embarrassed. It was such a special moment, yet he couldn’t risk getting closer to Darian and shifting into something that might have scared him.
Valj whispered sweet nothings into the Omega’s ear. He could feel his emotions, and he wanted to let him
know that everything would be okay, and it was natural to feel confused and rattled. When Darian was almost asleep, Valj looked up at Trav.
“We should throw a party. Invite our families and friends. Don’t you think it’s time they met Darian?”
The Omega jumped wide awake. “I.... I don’t know. It feels like so much. It’s overwhelming. Everyone would be looking at me, and asking me questions, and and...”
“Shh... It will be fine.” Valj caressed his cheek gently. “It doesn’t have to be this week. When you’re ready.”
Trav nodded. “I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Suddenly feeling energized and inspired, he jumped off the bed and headed to the door. “You stay with him and make sure he has everything he needs. I’ll start planning.”
“Oh, that happened fast,” Darian whispered sleepily.
Before he was out the door, Trav turned to give him a bright smile.
“Anything for you, puppy. You rest and don’t even think about it. Your Alphas will take care of everything.”
* * *
He’d convinced Trav to postpone the party for two more months, but he couldn’t possibly buy himself another month even if he wanted to. He didn’t feel ready. After having spent so much time with the three Alphas alone, it was as if he’d forgotten how to behave around other people. Sure, he interacted with the maids and servants every day, but it wasn’t the same. They were supposed to like him and be nice to him, otherwise they’d get fired. Or worse. His Alphas’ families and friends, though... That was a different story. What if he met all of them, and they didn’t like him? He wasn’t scared that Trav, Valj, and Kron would ever let themselves be influenced by someone else’s opinion, but still. He wanted to do well. He wanted to belong.